Thilo was born and raised in Germany. He received his first musical training on the violin at the age of seven and later started playing clarinet, saxophone, and piano. For his studies in Art of Sound (Music Production) and classical clarinet at the Royal Conservatoire in Den Haag, Thilo moved to the Netherlands. After taking composition lessons with Roderik de Man and obtaining a masters degree, Thilo studied sound design and composition in contexts at the Faculty of Media Technology of the Utrecht School of Arts in Hilversum. He worked as freelance composer, record producer, and assistant producer for radio4 – the national classical radio station of the Netherlands – before becoming assistant professor in the department of music at the University of Lethbridge in Canada. Thilo composes autonomous music as well as for various media contexts. His works have been performed in England, Scotland, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Tanzania, Spain, Canada, and Italy. Thilo’s music is often described as contemporary and accessible. His first score for Canadian film was nominated for the Alberta Film and Television Awards in 2014. As sound designer Thilo frequently works on feature films, animations, and audio dramas. As a record producer/sound engineer Thilo has worked with various solo artists and orchestras in Europe and North America.