Born in the Suginami borough of Tokyo in 1975, Fukuda taught himself composing and arranging while attending junior high school. He served as director of his high school’s drama club, and upon graduation, began producing music for theatre, dance, cinema and television.
His work “Dancing in the wind – KAZENOMAI” won the 14th ASAHI-Composition Prize (first place) in 2003. This tune has performed by a lot of wind orchestras in Japan and his works came to be known. The CDs and scores of his music are published by various publishers. Among them, the CDs of “Disney on Brass” (Yutaka Sado & Siena Wind Orchestra) and “Copland & Gershwin” (Kim Seikyo & Siena Wind Orchestra) are especially popular in the market.
Currently he conducts, lectures, and composes in the wind band field, and is recognized for his consideration and utilization of sound system technology in dramatic composition.